July 9, 2024

SeaTecHub Consortium Partners Week in Croatia

A week-long visit in Croatia brought together partners to advance collaboration in research and innovation in blue economy sectors. This week was filled with consortium meetings, insightful training sessions, meetings between companies, and site visits to the partners’ premises.

Partners’ tour on FER premises and labs




The SeaTecHub consortium organized a series of innovation training sessions focusing on R&I management, entrepreneurship, and technology transfer. These sessions, led by experts in their respective fields, provided invaluable insights and practical knowledge to our participants. The training sessions took place both in Zagreb and Šibenik, Croatia. Here are the highlights of the training sessions:

Innovation training sessions

  1. AI in Blue Technology – 17th June 2024

Speaker: Tomislav Bronzin, Founder and CEO of CITUS, Microsoft Regional Director
Organizer: Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) for Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE)

Outcomes: Participants gained a deep understanding of how AI is driving sustainable practices and innovation across various sectors of the Blue Economy, positioning it as a critical component in addressing global environmental and economic challenges.

Lecture Highlights: Tomislav Bronzin’s lecture delved into the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing the Blue Economy. The session covered several areas:

  • Blue Transport: Exploring how AI optimizes supply chains through smart ports and ship route management, enhancing shipping efficiency and security by reducing the carbon footprint and implementing smart maintenance strategies.
  • Blue Food: Focusing on AI’s application in aquaculture and fishing, highlighting advancements in fisheries management, fish health monitoring, and measures to prevent overfishing and bycatch.
  • Climate Change Challenges: Examining the utilization of satellite imagery and sensor data for ocean monitoring, AI models for precise weather forecasting, and AI-driven disaster response and management for both natural and human-induced incidents such as oil spills and plastic pollution.
  • Digital Transformation: Discussing how innovative business models leveraging digital technologies foster economic growth through the sustainable use of marine resources.

Tomislav Bronzin is giving a lecture for AI in Blue Technology

  1. Technology Transfer for Innovation – 17th June 2024

Speaker: Petra Karanikić, PhD, LL.M., Associate Professor at the University of Rijeka Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Organizer: Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) for Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) and CCCI

Outcomes: Participants were familiarized with the basic concepts of technology transfer, understanding its importance as a catalyst for innovation in Cypriot companies, and learning about global best practices and key players in the technology transfer ecosystem.

Lecture Highlights: Petra Karanikić’s lecture emphasized the significance of mastering technology transfer for the sustainable growth and competitiveness of Cypriot companies.

  • Basics of Technology Transfer: Explained fundamental concepts and the importance of technology transfer.
  • Global Best Practices: Provided insights into various forms and mechanisms of technology transfer through case studies.
  • Interactive Discussions: Participants engaged in practical exercises to understand the key players in the technology transfer ecosystem, including academia, industry, and government bodies.

Dr. Petra Karanikić is giving a lecture on technology transfer for Innovation.

  1. Maritime Spatial Planning Data Management – 19th June 2024

Speaker: Goran Pavlov, ME, from IRI Centar
Organizer: Šibenik-Knin County (SKC) for Deputy Ministry of Shipping (SDM)

Outcomes: Increased project management skills within the SeaTecHub consortium and the development of the SeaTecHub MSP data management project charter.

Lecture Highlights: Goran Pavlov’s interactive workshop focused on applying project management and visual design techniques to enhance MSP data management. Participants were divided into different groups to brainstorm about needs, ideas and project plans for MSP for both Croatia and Cyprus.

  • Current Practices and Stakeholders: Presentation of current data management practices and identification of key stakeholders.
  • Implementation Challenges: Defined challenges and developed a comprehensive project charter for MSP data management.

Mr. is giving a lecture on Marine Spatial Planning.

The partners participated in an interactive workshop.













  1. Economy, Patents & Patent Tools – 20th June 2024

Speaker: Željko Bihar, PhD, from ADMOVEO d.o.o.
Organizer: Šibenik-Knin County (SKC) for Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Environment (Department of Fisheries and Marine Research) (DFMR)

Outcomes: Participants were familiarized with the economic impacts of intellectual property rights (IPR) and the patent system, principles of patents, practical skills for searching patent databases, and real-world applications of patents.

Lecture Highlights: Željko Bihar’s sessions were divided into two key lectures:

  • Lecture I – Economy, Patents & Patent Tools: Explored the economic effects of IPR, focusing on how patents impact economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness. Covered fundamental principles of intellectual property and the role of patents in protecting innovations.
  • Lecture II – Practical Patent Examples: Provided practical skills for navigating patent databases and real-world examples of patent applications, featuring the optical fish biomass scanner and fish net/cage cleaning devices. These examples highlighted the practical and commercial benefits of patents, illustrating their role in advancing technological innovation and business growth.

Mr. Željko Bihar is giving a lecture on Economy, Patents & Patent Tools.

Consortium Meeting – 18th June 2024

On June 18th, the partners held a dedicated consortium meeting to discuss the progress of the SeaTecHub project. This day was set aside to review our achievements, address any challenges, and strategize on enhancing our efforts moving forward.

During the meeting, an in-depth review of the current state and ongoing activities of the project was conducted. All the work packages were evaluated, assessing the results and objectives achieved so far. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were tracked to ensure targets were being met, and the timeline of future activities was discussed to ensure alignment with our overall goals.

Meanwhile, throughout the day, the team from the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) provided a tour for our partners. They showcased their offices and labs, demonstrating the cutting-edge robotic vehicles they are developing. This tour offered valuable insights into the innovative technologies FER is working on and highlighted potential areas for collaboration and application within the SeaTecHub project.








Trip to Šibenik

Following our activities in Zagreb, the partners travelled to Šibenik for an enriching visit organized by Agrifood Croatia. The visit comprised several key activities:

1.Meet the Partners – Agrifood Croatia (on a boat) – 19th June 2024

  • The partners embarked on a boat trip to visit the Martinska research station of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.
  • Presentation of Monitoring Activities and Systems: During this visit, the Institute’s various monitoring activities and systems were presented, offering a deep dive into their research and technological advancements.

Tour at the Martinska research station of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.

Partners engaged in interesting discussions with the head of the Martinska research station of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.

The lab of the Martinska research station.














  • Visit to Platforma 22 Oyster Farm and Oyster Tasting: The partners then visited the Platforma 22 oyster farm, where we had the opportunity to taste fresh oysters and discuss oyster cultivation. This experience allowed to the exploration of the sustainable practices in oyster farming and better understand the challenges and innovations in this sector.

Ivana Bujas Rupić from Agrifood Croatia is explaining the story behind the oyster and mussel farm.

Matija Bumbak from Agrifood Croatia is explaining how oysters and mussels are cultivating.









Fresh oyster tasting on the boat.









2. Presentation by Mr. Hrvoje Mihanović – Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries – 20th June 2024

    • SOUNDSCAPE and UNDERSEA Projects: Mr. Hrvoje Mihanović delivered an engaging presentation on the SOUNDSCAPE and UNDERSEA projects. These projects focus on monitoring and understanding the acoustic environment of the sea and the underwater ecosystems, respectively. The presentation highlighted the innovative methodologies and technologies used in these projects, providing us with insights into marine environmental research and the importance of acoustic monitoring in preserving marine biodiversity.

Mr. Hrvoje Mihanović is presenting two projects that his Institute is working on.

  1. Meet the partners – 20000 Leagues – 20th June 2024:

The partners from 20000 Leagues (20kL) presented their activities, work, and projects. This was followed by an engaging workshop game designed to enhance our understanding of ocean literacy.

Ms. Barbara Colic is presenting 20kL’s activities.

Mr. Hrvoje Cizmek is presenting 20kL’s projects.









AKTI’s Expert Visit to FER – 21st June 2024:

During this visit in Zagreb, AKTI conducted an expert visit to FER where participants from FER and other partners became familiar with the mission and aims of AKTI, gained awareness of AKTI’s areas of expertise and worked through examples of recent key projects and activities and their outcomes, and better understood FER’s areas of expertise and work. As a result of this exchange, potential collaboration opportunities between AKTI and FER emerged.


Demetra Orthodoxou from AKTI is presenting AKTI’s projects and activities.

Visit to IN2 premises – 21st June 2024:

The final activity of the week was a visit to the IN2 headquarters in Zagreb. Partners from the SeaTecHub consortium, comprising the CMMI, FER, AKTI and IN2 held a high-value in-person meeting at the IN2 premises.

During the meeting, IN2 showcased their extensive portfolio of projects spanning various sectors, including healthcare, spatial planning, and investment portfolio management. A key highlight of the discussion was the upcoming staff exchange between CMMI and IN2, set to occur by the end of the year. This exchange will further the development of the innovative SeaTecHub platform, which aims to digitalize the collaborative innovation process between the ecosystems of Croatia and Cyprus.


Meeting with IN2 partners at their premises.

B2B meetings in Zagreb:

In addition to these activities, our partners organized several B2B meetings with leading companies:

  • Engineering for Oil and Gas Ltd. (https://inp.hr/) – Specializing in designing and consulting for facilities in the oil and gas industry, power plants, heating networks, and renewable energy sources, this meeting provided insights into advanced engineering services.
  • Listlabs (https://www.listlabs.net/en/) – A boutique company focused on IT solutions for spatial data infrastructure, enhancing the value of data for public companies, state and local governments, and international organizations.
  • IGEA (https://www.igea.hr/) – An IT company specializing in spatial information systems, providing valuable knowledge in GIS, state administration, local administration, and more.

In conclusion, the SeaTecHub Week was a showcased the power of collaboration and shared vision between the partners and beyond. This visit to Croatia kept us confident that our collective efforts will drive significant advancements in marine and maritime innovation.

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